Je suis Minh

Je suis un spécialiste du marketing digital, web designer et polyglotte, communiquant efficacement avec des publics internationaux...
Travailler quotidienne avec mon ordinateur a BU Saint serge

Some brands I've worked with

Some brands I've worked with

LAURENT Prigent _Directeur de Wikeeps et Powertec

« Minh est une personne curieuse et volontaire. Sa curiosité le pousse à explorer des nouveaux champs, ce qui est une vraie force dans le monde digital en perpétuelle évolution. Volontaire parce qu’il n’hésite pas à se saisir des problèmes et trouver des solutions. »

Director of Wikeeps and Powertec design


Logo blog romance languages passion


  • Multilingual content creation 
  • WordPress, Elementor Pro, Google Tag Manger
  • SEO optimization : SEMrush, GA4, GSC, Screaming Frog, Monitorank, Yourtextguru
  • UX Design : Elementor Pro, Canva, HTML et CSS
  • Email Marketing : MailerLite for distributing newsletters and e-books


  • Website traffic :  More than 1000 visiteurs per month on my blog, with only 10 quality backlinks, et 6 months only after the blog has been created.


  • Recruiting on LinkedIn
  • Trello, Google Meet, Chat GPT
  • Web analytique, Google Ads, Meta Ads, SEO, WordPress, Réseaux sociaux, CRM, Mailchimp, Klaviyo
  • Recruiting and training new team members
  • SEMrush, Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, Monitorank, Yourtextguru


  • Increased followers on social networks
  • Double organic traffic per month
  • Earn free backlinks
  • Solving translation problems with WPML plugin
  • Optimisation UX


  • Recruitment
  • Trello, ChatGPT
  • SEMrush, Web analytics, SEA, SEO, WordPress, Social network, CRM, MailChimp, Klaviyo, etc...


  • Increased followers on social networks
  • Double organic traffic per month
  • Earn free backlinks
  • Solving translation problems with WPML plugin
  • Optimisation UX


  • SEO-managed to boost website traffic
  • Creation and follow-up of paid campaigns
  • Coordinated e-mail campaigns for prospecting
  • UX, UI to enhance e-commerce site
  • Carry out competitive intelligence and digital benchmarking
  • Recruiting and training new team members


  • Increased followers on social networks
  • Double organic traffic per month
  • Earn free backlinks


  • SEMrush, Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, Monitorank, Yourtextguru
  • Création et suivi de campagnes payantes (Google Ads et Meta Ads)
  • Coordinated e-mail campaigns for prospecting
  • UX, UI to enhance e-commerce site
  • Carry out competitive intelligence and digital benchmarking
  • Recruiting and training new team members


  • Increased followers on social networks
  • Double organic traffic per month
  • Earn free backlinks

Google Ads campaigns

Reach your target customers at the right time: when they're searching for information on Google. This is a typical example of a portable solar panel ad with different ad extensions.

Compagne google ads exemple 2023

Quelques Campagnes Meta Ads

Quelques campagnes email

Campaign email klaviyo
  • Outil: Klaviyo
  • Taux d’ouverture: 47%
  • Taux de clic: 3,79%
  • Taux de rebond: 0%
Campaign emailing example
  • Outil: Klaviyo
  • Taux d’ouverture: 65,1%
  • Taux de clic: 9,3%
  • Taux de rebond: 0,5%
Romance languages emailing automation
  • Outil : Mailerlite
  • Taux d’ouverture: 50%
  • Taux de clic: 2%
  • Taux de rebond: 0%
Chat Abbs in Frech-Minh Cuong DOAN
10 romance languages words that will shock you with their meaning _Minh Cuong DOAN


Lingopie is the world's first language learning platform that uses TV shows and films to teach languages (5oo thousand visitors/month)


  • Pioneering guest editor for the Lingopie blog
  • Using SEO to optimize blog posts
  • Collaboration on content strategies with the marketing team
15 False Friends in Spanish and Portuguese
Are we the same person in different languages? Minh Cuong DOAN

Ling app (1.5M traffic/month)


  • Web content writing
  • SEO
  • Foreign languages: English, French
  • WordPress

Blog post writer

Founded in 2016, Ling is one of the fastest-growing technology companies in Thailand and the world.


  • Reach a wider audience worldwide
  • Obtain quality backlinks for the blog
  • Developed strong relationships with other language experts


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