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How to optimize images on WordPress in 2023?

WordPress 2023

Image optimization on WordPress is an essential practice for improving your website's performance, reducing loading times and delivering an exceptional user experience. In 2023, the techniques and tools for optimizing images on WordPress are more effective than ever. In this article, we'll take you through a step-by-step guide to help you get the most out of your images on WordPress.

Step 1: Use images of the right size

The first step in optimizing your images is to size them correctly before uploading them to WordPress. We estimate that the best image size for a computer is 1000 pixels wide, and for a mobile device 300 to 400 pixels. Avoid using larger images than necessary, as this can slow down site loading. You can use online tools such as TinyPNG to resize your images to suit your needs.

Step 2: Choose the right image format

The image formats most commonly used on the web are JPEG, PNG and GIF. Select the appropriate format according to the type of image you're uploading. JPEG is ideal for photographs and complex images, PNG is suitable for images with transparency, while GIF is suitable for simple animations.


3: Image compression

Image compression is crucial to reducing file size without compromising quality. You can use WordPress plugins such as Smush and EWWW Image Optimizer to automate this process during download.

4 : Do not use uncompressed images

Avoid downloading images directly from your camera without compressing them first. Uncompressed images can be very large and slow down your site considerably.

5: Use alt attributes

Be sure to add appropriate descriptions in the "alt" attribute of your images. This improves your site's accessibility for the visually impaired, and can also help improve your SEO. Here's another example with an image of solar panels:

Example: If you have an image of solar panels on a roof, use "Solar panels installed on a roof" as an alternative text. Include a relevant keyword, such as "solar panels", in the image description to improve your SEO.


6: Use a caching plugin

If you use Hostinger with LiteSpeed technology, you can benefit from LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress (LSCWP), a powerful caching plugin. You don't need to install a third-party caching plugin.

Other caching plugins, such as WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache, can reduce the load on your server by serving cached versions of your images.


7: Activate Lazy Loading

Use a delayed layout plugin, such as Lazy Load by WP Rocket to load images only when the user scrolls to their position. This reduces your site's initial loading time.

8: Serve WebP images

If your host supports the WebP format, use it, as it offers better compression than JPEG and PNG while preserving quality.

WebP format image for WordPress

9: Delete unused images

Regularly clean out your WordPress media library to remove images you no longer use, which will help keep your website clean and fast.

10: Use a CDN service

A content delivery network (CDN) can distribute your images from servers located all over the world, reducing loading latency for remote visitors. Services such as Cloudflare peuvent vous aider dans cette optique.

11: Test your site's speed

Use online tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix to analyze your website's speed and get specific image optimization recommendations.


By following these steps and using the recommended plugins, you can dramatically improve your WordPress site's image optimization performance in 2023. This optimization will result in a smoother user experience, improved search engine visibility and increased traffic to your website.

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